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All article, reports or otherwise should be directly or indirectly connected to the subject matter 'Ship Arrest' preferably for India jurisdiction.
Articles or analytical reports are accepted from shipping  industry, connected to the industry or rendering service to this industry, the author can be a ship-owners, operators, managers, maritime lawyers, experts with legal and maritime backgrounds, charterers, brokers, contract managers, ship agents, bunker suppliers, maritime arbitrators, protection and indemnity clubs, claims and bank executives, final year law students or reading masters in law or doctorate or any person connected to the industry.

The article or the report should be in english in .doc format and should also contain the following information at the bottom of the article
1. Full name and surname of the author
2. If employed, designation and Company name and the nature of company activity (If you do not wish your company name to appear please specify)
3. If law student, name of the law college or university affiliated to
4. If in business, name of business and nature of business
5. Full contact details of the author with email address
6. Brief head note of the article not exceeding 75 words
The article or the report should the author's original work and should the author desire he or she may also forward his or her photograph to be published along with the article or report.
It is clarified that the author do not have to pay any monies for any article to be published. The article forwarded will be re-visited by our team or expert and is subject to be edited before being published.
We reserve our right to accept or reject the article without assigning any reasons and if the said article is not published within 45 days it may be construed that the same does not meet our standard and is not likely to be published unless you are asked to improve or provide further information or details.
All articles or contributions for publication should be emailed to  


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